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I hope and trust that the things you have found here are things that both challenge and equip you in your spiritual walk with Jesus Christ. And, as always, I have never ceased to be humbled by some of the appreciative comments and notes that I have received. May God continue to bless you and draw you closer to himself through his Word.

If what you find here is meaningful to you, consider purchasing one of the books I have written. You can find them on the “Win’s Books” page or you can click on my Author’s Page on Amazon. They also make thoughtful gifts and good additions to church libraries. Proceeds from these books helps me to continue the ministry work that I do with pastors and churches overseas and in areas where good theological literature is hard to acquire.

If you would like to partner with me in this work, individual donations are welcomed.

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These donations go to help support the ministry that Preacherwin engages in, in particular, to provide good theological literature to pastors and churches where such is hard to come by.
