Holy Ones…

“Paul and Timothy, slaves of Christ Jesus, to all the holy ones in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the overseers and deacons.”

(Philippians 1:1)

Paul addresses this letter to the Christians in the church in Philippi and in doing so, refers to them as “holy ones,” or as many of our Bible’s word it, “saints.” The word “saint” comes from the Latin word, sanctus, which means, “holy.” Holiness itself is a word that we use in the church  great deal, but also don’t always understand. Biblically, holiness is not so much a state of being that is generated within you — often the society thinks of “holy people” as those who set themselves apart as gurus or in a kind of aloof manner. Yet, you don’t ever make yourself holy. We are made holy by another who is greater than us and who has set us apart for his own use — that would be God himself.

Thus the term “saint” or “holy one” or even “one being sanctified” is a term that has little to do with us and much to do with Jesus Christ who sets us apart to be saints. The question with which we are faced is whether we will be faithful to that calling or not. God has set us aside for his use in our salvation…he has done that work from beginning to end, drawing us effectually to himself. Yet, how will we respond to that drawing? Will we be sharp tools, ready for the master’s hand? Or will we allow those old sins to dull us and leave us dull. To preserve the analogy, tools are sharpened with a stone or a file and when put on a grinder to be sharpened, sparks fly — not the most comfortable process for the tool, but a needful one if it is going to be useful to the master. Which will you be?

About preacherwin

A pastor, teacher, and a theologian concerned about the confused state of the church in America and elsewhere...Writing because the Christian should think Biblically.

Posted on November 03, 2014, in Expositions and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. This is so true . . . as a mother it’s hard to see my daughter go through trials and pain; yet I know in my heart, and so does she at least in her mind, that the pain is calling us all closer to God. I find myself praying for her happiness but stop myself and pray for her joy instead. Now that she’s off in another state I’ve had to learn to put her in God’s hands and I need to remember that those hands are much, much, MUCH more capable then mine. May God draw her closer to Him in every way (but please keep her safe, Lord.)


    • Putting our loved ones in God’s hands is always difficult. Isn’t it interesting, though, how we love to try and micromanage the lives of our children but hated it when our parents did it to us? Funny how that works. The reality of course is that none of us is in control but the one who is in control loves his children and conforms us into what is best for us, the image of His Son.



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